Name: Jinky Javillonar Sta. Elena Section: IV-Earth Location: Queensland, AU
Jinky (circa 80s)
Marte & Jinky
Sta. Elena Family: Jinky, Luc & Marte
Note: Old photo were sent by Laarni.
Posted by blogger on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 8/23/2006 10:22:00 AM |Permalink
1 comment
Hi Jinky! Remember me? I was just browsing thru the net and thought of key-ing some frineds' names from way back, and voila! So how's life been with you girl? Hope to hear from you soon. -Mylene from grade school
Hi Jinky! Remember me? I was just browsing thru the net and thought of key-ing some frineds' names from way back, and voila! So how's life been with you girl? Hope to hear from you soon.
-Mylene from grade school
Posted by
mariamylenemarquez |
Monday, November 17, 2008 2:49:00 PM