Hi Bernard, musta na you? I have been trying to call your home landline number in Seattle but you seems to be always out (as usual). Feeling ko close na nga kami ng answering machine mo sa bahay (he he he). Your looking better my friend...well, its not surprising naman. I am still here in Riyadh, KSA...and will be home for vacation this coming July 2009. Missing all of you. Its me, Arman Crisostomo (email: arman_crisostomo@yahoo.com)
pare remember me??? an popogi ng batch87,regards to ur family. N.Mesina
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:18:00 AM
wow.ang pogi niya.single pa ba siya?
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, January 13, 2007 1:14:00 PM
hi bernard,kamusta na.i just want to
let you know that you changed a lot,
but way better naman.take care and i miss you...allen palermo.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:57:00 PM
single ka pa rin parang ang hirap paniwalaan. Ikaw pa naman ang pinaka chickboy dati. R. Gensaya
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, April 05, 2009 12:06:00 PM
Hi Bernard, musta na you? I have been trying to call your home landline number in Seattle but you seems to be always out (as usual). Feeling ko close na nga kami ng answering machine mo sa bahay (he he he). Your looking better my friend...well, its not surprising naman. I am still here in Riyadh, KSA...and will be home for vacation this coming July 2009. Missing all of you. Its me, Arman Crisostomo (email: arman_crisostomo@yahoo.com)
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, April 23, 2009 9:48:00 PM